First Marathon and other Insane things

Thursday, March 30, 2006

I left my Heart Rate Monitor in ....

So what's with this Heart Rate Monitor thing, anyway?

It started with the book. Being called Advanced Marathoning, it can get a bit technical. It presents four different categories of efforts:
  1. VO2 Max (Fastest) – designed to improve your ability to transport more oxygen to your muscles.
  2. Lactate Threshold – designed to increase your ability to work hard without generating too much lactic acid, which would slow you down.
  3. Medium-Long or Long Run – designed to increase endurance.
  4. Recovery (Slowest) – designed to ready your self for your next run.
Across the running schedule, these different paces are attached to different runs. Early in the schedule, I have to do General Aerobic runs, which, oddly enough, are not labeled with a particular pace (there's some ambiguity in the book that I can't quite sort out, so I've been using pace #3 until I can get something definitive).

As I said yesterday, in Leashed!, I have no experience (and limited ability) to control my pace. If I'm supposed to do Lactate Threshold runs at my Half-Marathon Race Pace, but have never done a Half-Marathon, I would have to guess. Maybe it is 7:30 or so, based on how fast I do 10-12 mile runs and feel sort of toasted afterwards. Even still: I rarely know when I am running at that pace. Worst yet, for a long run, it is supposed to be 90 seconds to 2 minutes slower than goal pace. I can't imagine holding back that much over 15 miles or so.

So I decided to use the other method, heart rate. For that, I'd need a heart rate monitor.

Today, I'm set to run 9 miles as General Aerobic. Maybe I'll mess with things and pretend I'm a Captain. Captain Aerobic. Captain America...
  • Captain America... Team America: World Police
  • Team America: World Police... Trey Parker
  • Trey Parker... South Park
  • South Park... Isaac Hayes
  • Isaac Hayes... Shaft
  • Shaft... Samuel L. Jackson
  • Samuel L. Jackson... Pulp Fiction
  • Pulp Fiction... Orange Juice Pulp
  • Orange Juice Pulp... OJ Simpson
  • OJ Simpson... Jessica Simpson
  • Jessica Simpson... Dukes of Hazzard
  • Dukes of Hazzard... The General Lee
  • The General Lee... ... General Aerobic!


  • General Aerobic means a bit faster than long run pace, but slower than tempo pace. If you used to run 7:30/mi. before you learned about pacing, then that's your "general aerobic" pace.

    Btw, thanks for the honorable mention in the first post. :)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:44 PM  

  • Ah, so I can unleash myself for the General Aerobic runs? What a relief!

    Wait 'till you see my post tomorrow, as I sure could have used knowledge of this before today's run...

    Thanks, Thomas. You've been an inspiration...

    By Blogger Brent, at 9:46 PM  

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