First Marathon and other Insane things

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Thinking about tomorrow

Today's run: Recovery run of 4 miles at 9:27 pace.

As I'll go into below, I didn't do a usual long run with the group today. It was a Mission Loop plus a mile. Since I didn't run yesterday, it felt a little odd. Within a mile, my body felt fine and was raring to go, and if not for the heart rate monitor, I'd have gone much, much faster. It was a nice, warm day, and the Mission was pretty calm. I missed running with the K-Stars, but it would have made too much of a production for just a 4 mile run.

The most notable part about it was that I took a short break to help turn a guy in a minivan around (he was looking for Hayes Street and he was heading South on Harrison at 22nd).

Mostly, I was feeling slightly caged, and thinking about tomorrow's running.

• • •

Tomorrow is completely insane, and I am a little nervous about it. I am taking the suggestions of Mike, Galen and Thomas to run a race in this early stage of preparation to benchmark my performance against and help me understand my Lactate Threshold pace.

So here's what my plan was for the next several days:
  • Saturday: 15 mile Medium-Long Run with the K-Stars
  • Sunday: 4 mile Recovery run
  • Monday: Softball practice
  • Tuesday: 9 miles of General Aerobic with 4 miles at Lactate Threshold pace.
Instead, this is what I'm doing:
  • Saturday: 4 mile Recovery run
  • Sunday: 1.5 mile warm up, 10k race, and 7.5 mile cool down. (15 miles in total.)
  • Monday: Softball practice
  • Tuesday: 9 miles of General Aerobic.
I guess I'm a little freaked about it because I have dinner plans tonight (which could involve a good bit of wine), I've never paced myself particularly well on a 10k (and this won't be worth it if I blast out too fast or too slow), and I have a bit of a notion that I'll feel pretty dead afterwards and not feel like doing the 7.5 mile cool down.

Tune in tomorrow!


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