First Marathon and other Insane things

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

The race cometh...

Today's run: Recovery run of 6 miles at 9:00 pace
Marathon is 5 days from today!

I am a b
it nervous about the race already. I've been thinking about pace-bands, carbo-loading, and getting enough sleep (versus adjusting my internal clock). However, this kind of preoccupation is a good way for me to distract myself from the real issue: how the hell am I going to run 26.2 miles at the pace I wish?!

Today, I ran two Mission Loops. I re-measured them afterwards in order to prepare for tomorrow's paced run, and I found out that a single loop is 1.15 miles, not 1.05 miles, so my pace on those runs have been a bit faster than I previously thought. Today's pace was a little on the fast side, thereby pointing further to the divergence between perceptions and measurement:
  • I felt a little sluggish, at least at first
  • From time to time, I had to slow down to a crawl to keep the heart rate monitor in check
  • I didn't feel like I had any burgeoning energy that might start to show up in my taper mesocycle
What is becoming clear (over the past two runs) is that I can start my run fairly slow and a little sluggish, but I later perceive that I am "warming up", since I can start to feel better and the miles just melt away. Today, two Mission Loops in recovery mode never felt so fast. Part of it was that I completely preoccupied myself by thinking about a presentation I'm giving on Thursday, so much so that I forgot to do the strides I had intended to do (make-up from Friday's run).

Update: The weather for the race no longer has a forecast of rain. "Mainly sunny. Highs in the low 60s and lows in the mid 50s." The only thing I could ask for is something much lower than the forecasted 87% humidity, but if it really doesn't warm up to 70 when I reach the Mission, it'll be ideal conditions for this race.


  • I felt pretty sluggish for the first few miles of today's run, too -- 6.5 miles to work, although at a much faster pace than yours (sub-8:00 overall with 2.5 miles at MRP of 7:25/mile). Felt ready to go another 10 at the end of course. I never feel overflowing with energy during a taper. It's supposed to kick in on race day.

    I'm choosing adjusting my clock over getting enough sleep this year, since the early start time really wiped me out last year even though I got plenty of sleep Thursday and Friday nights.

    Weather looks a lot like last year. Temps okay although I'd love 5 degrees cooler. Humidity will be a problem, especially once things warm into the 60s by 8:00. Drink sufficient fluids and stay on target.

    p.s. No way I felt up to running 26.2 miles at 7:25/mile this morning. Then again, last year's final taper runs didn't make me feel up to running 26.2 sub-8:00 miles. I am borderline for hitting my target time since I really didn't train enough, but you should absolutely be able to do sub-3:30. Trust the training to get you through.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:38 PM  

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