First Marathon and other Insane things

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Ho hum.

Today's run: Recovery run of 5 miles at 9:22 pace

Another boring set of miles through the Mission. Sunny but very windy. Only two things of note:
  • My lower legs hurt. This is a new and mysterious pain for me, as it is neither my shins nor my calves. It is the muscles on the outside of my lower legs, both sides, and it hurts when I turn my foot in a certain way. Walking, running, sitting down and spinning my feet, it can hurt. It started late on Monday and still hurts now.
  • I finally looked up a business on Harrison Street that I have seen on every Mission Loops run: JCX Expendables. I hadn't the vaguest notion of what kind of business it was, but today I saw someone exit the place carrying a large white circular object that seemed like it was made of some sort of fabric. Turns out, they provide services and products to the film industry. Who knew?


  • Re: leg soreness, it could be the concrete/hard asphalt running combined with peak mileage. That 22+ mile course last weekend had a lot of pounding, and hard-terrain impact damage generally hits the knees and lower legs. In fact, I felt some twinginess in my right IT band for the first time in awhile while running a 7 miler along the Embarcadero concrete yesterday.

    My advice: avoid hard terrain before Sunday's run and take Advil immediately after Sunday's run.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:19 PM  

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