First Marathon and other Insane things

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

How much to taper?

Today's run: 7 miles of General Aerobic at 8:33 pace, including 8 x 100m strides.

Since Sunday's run, when Galen relayed opinions from himself and others that the Pftizinger Schedule includes too much running during the Taper mesocycle, I've been trying to decide whose advice to follow.

My schedule would have me do 32 miles this week, then 22 miles the following (on the six days prior to the marathon).
  • Thomas: Pfitzinger has gotten me this far, only pare it back to 30 & 18 for my specific situation.
  • Mike: Owen had previously advised maintaining intensity, but not overdoing the miles, so pare it back to 27 & 12
The specifics of the recommendations vary a bit, too. But in any case, I'm thinking at this point that I'll come closer to Thomas' recommendations, but pare it back by a mile or two here and there.

• • •

Today's run was along the Embarcadero - Fisherman's Warf - Fort Mason route, but not as far as the Marina Green since the distance this week does cut back considerably no matter whose advice I follow. Reportedly, it was as hot as 82 degrees this afternoon, but by the time I got outside, I sure didn't feel it. I faced a headwind on the way out that got progressively cooler and stronger as I got closer to Aquatic Park. Of course, when I turned around and headed back, I had the wind at my back and the afternoon's warmth was a bit more prevalent.

I initially felt a bit sluggish: as if I had had too much food too recently. So I'm a bit surprised at my pace. Looking back, however, I've noted the most often when running on the Embarcadero, my paces tend to be even quicker, probably due to how flat the route is (and despite the ever-present need to dodge pedestrians and cyclists).

The strides at the end felt pretty good. I did them at a faster pace than I've been doing the track workouts, and it has been a while since I've done strides there (it's easier there than in the Mission).


  • A few notes:

    1. Either way (mine or Thomas') watch your intensity -- don't overdo anything.

    2. Also, don't overeat as you cut down on your volume. But DO carboload (last few days) and do it correctly -- most (virtually all) people don't.

    3. You're going to start feeling weird (going from sluggish, possibly injured, out-of-shape, giving way to feeling insanely good) as you taper, but know that this totally normal.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:32 PM  

  • Actually, 30 and 18 sound just about right to me. My main concerns were with the 12 miler this Sunday and the 22 in the six days before the marathon. Cut Sunday to 10 and next week to 18 and you'll hear not a peep more from me.

    As to Mike's comment: I've never feel insanely good during my tapers. Restless and twitchy yes, but my legs never feel supercharged or anything.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:56 PM  

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