First Marathon and other Insane things

Tuesday, April 25, 2006


Today's run: 9 miles of General Aerobic at 8:24 pace

Any pretense that Sunday's running didn't kick my ass was long forgotten today, as I felt like these nine miles were remarkably difficult. Part of that was the harsh headwind on Marina Green, along same route I waxed lovingly about last week. I must have turned it up a bit with the tailwind on my way back, since my pace does not reflect my feeling of lethargy.
• • •
I crossed paths with K-Star Monica again.
• • •
The impact of yesterday's softball practice was not as profound as last Tuesday, but it was certainly there. Today, I had lunch with Thomas (and a poor co-worker who was submitted to almost nothing but running talk), who explained that it wasn't actually the glute, but I can't remember what muscle he said it was. Thomas also reminded me that the onset of muscle fatigue can be delayed by a day or so, which explained why I had energy to run around yesterday at softball practice, chasing down flyballs and roaming into the outfield to receive cut-offs, but not today on my 9 mile run.
• • •
I took note of both the South End Rowing Club and the Dolphin Club which are somehow related to the DSE, sponsors of Sunday's race.
• • •
A few post-scripts on Sunday's race:
  • Photos! Or, at least one: No Shirt Guy, before I passed White-Shirt Guy
  • I came in 15th.
  • Senior guy was 62 years old, and finished 14 seconds ahead of me
  • Bead-necklace guy was 35 years old, and finished 4 seconds ahead of me
  • My actual time was 41:39, not 41:35.
• • •
Tomorrow is a Recovery run. I never thought I'd be grateful for one of those!



    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:53 AM  

  • Congrats on your race! Well run! Looks like you've really earned this day of 'Recovery'. Towards the end of marathon training I remember really, really looking forward to recovery days. :)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:52 PM  

  • Y'all are way better about this than I ever am, unless you mean "eating potato chips instead of running" by "recovery day".

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:04 PM  

  • The Pftizinger/Douglas schedule includes "Rest or Cross Training" days, and "Recovery" runs.

    On the Rest days, I am closer to the "eating potato chips" notion (without the potato chips), excepting the insanity that I'm now playing softball on one of my Rest days.

    By Blogger Brent, at 7:17 PM  

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