First Marathon and other Insane things

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Not quite all the way there

Today's run: 11 miles of General Aerobic at 8:32 pace

I came close to running from the office to the Golden Gate Bridge (Fort Point, anyway) today. It felt like it was within striking distance when I had added a half mile to this route:...but I wisely turned back, figuring that the added mile or so would not do me any good, and I'd get there next week or the week after. That's the thing about any out-and-back route: every step forward is one you will have to repeat on the way back.

It was a warm, spring-like day in San Francisco, and fortunately that miraculously translated into a less windy evening (normally, the converse would be true). Very pleasant temperature. I felt a little slow.

I felt even slower when Thomas came upon me at the end of my run, running a couple of blocks to warm up for his tempo run (he hadn't started yet). Thomas is much faster than I am, and I could tell he was holding back to run that slowly with me!

However, I should mention that I spent the first part of my run thinking that the Recovery run did exactly that. Tuesday's run felt bad, Wednesday's run felt sluggish. However, I didn't feel bad on this run, not at all. I didn't really push, even with the wind on my back, and I felt a little tired at the end, but, well, this was eleven miles, after all. Recovered!


  • Actually no, I wasn't exactly "holding back" but I was just getting started. Those were the only two blocks where I didn't feel like total crap that day. By the time I made it from the Ferry Building out to Ft Mason, over the hill, down to Safeway and started my tempo run I think I managed something like 200 meters before calling it quits. Just plain feeling trashed, which probably has more to do with a crazy work week that allowed me only 3-5 hours of sleep per night than any kind of training effect.

    But anyway, this blog is about your running, not mine. Props on the discipline so far - both the training and the (b)logging.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:06 PM  

  • Hola from Boston, Dude! I still think you're insane, though that may stem from the fact that I resemble the graphic of the couch potato you have at the top of your blog. You have a wonderful way of making the irrational seem rational and doable - if I had ever been a runner you probably would have inspired me to try. Congrats onthe amazing progress. Keep it up and maybe you'll come to Boston to run our marathon in addition to coming to visit. Hasta Luego!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:53 AM  

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