First Marathon and other Insane things

Sunday, May 28, 2006


Today's run: Recovery run of 6 miles at 9:04 pace including 6x100 m strides
47 miles this week. Marathon is 9 weeks from today!

Today's route was my usual Sunday recovery route: the Mission Loops. Only today, the Mission streets I run didn't have the calm, generally resential feel that it usually does, and that's because it was time for Carnaval San Francisco!

At first, I encountered just lots of people walking to and from, many wearing beads, several holding paper bags wrapped around bottles and cans (bottles and cans and just clap your hands, and just clap your hands -- oops, still thinking about that Beck show the other night). Many people sitting on the front steps of there homes along Florida Street, hanging out in the warm mid-day sun.

When I came towards the top-half of the first loop, I realized I was close to what must be a staging area, as people wearing costumes and trucks with sound gear were to be seen. Coming back down Harrison, I realized the festival was on Harrison, so I detoured down Alabama and was treated to the sounds of bands, the smells of grilled food, and the sights of throngs of people spilling over from the area. Very festive.

Not so festive was how I felt. A couple of factors:
  • Improper nourishment: while I had had a great breakfast, my morning got away from me and I didn't start my run until almost 2pm, with little more to eat since breakfast
  • Tired from yesterday's run: when I awoke in the morning, my legs simply felt tired
That said, even though I struggled to keep afloat and doubted if I would have the energy to do the strides at the end, I finished the run with the strides and called it a day.


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