First Marathon and other Insane things

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Trying to overcome the left knee

Today's run: Recovery run of 4 miles at 9:19 pace.

Instead of doing the 12 mile General Aerobic run, I took an easy run today to see how my knee, with the ice therapy, is coming along. I chose to do 2 mile loops in the Mission, hoping I could go up to 6 miles without an issue, but knowing that I could turn back when the knee started up.

That's exactly what happened. At the end of mile 3, I started to feel the ligament in the knee touching the plica. By the midpoint of mile 4, it was consisent. So I packed it in after I completed the second loop.

Fortunately, the sensation didn't turn into pain. I think I will try to do a Medium Long run on Saturday instead of the Friday LT run that the schedule calls for. I'd like to get back towards the meatier parts of the schedule next week, so limiting this week to just two runs seems to be one way to approach it, especially if I can turn the corner on the injury.


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