First Marathon and other Insane things

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Warm weather on the Peninsula

Today's run: Recovery run of 6 miles at 9:01 pace

Down in Santa Clara for the day, I had to run in the late afternoon, when it was still pretty warm, and without the usual cool breezes that San Francisco offers.

I set out on what would be a 4 mile route, thinking that I might not be able to deal with the 6 that my schedule calls for. The route took me down a quiet resedential street and connected to a bike path that parallels a river (the same way the LA River is a river, I'm afraid). I hit the turnaround point and headed back. (This is the left-hand blue line on the map.)

Back along the resedential street, I came upon a foursome of kids who decided to start running with me and sing some little song that I couldn't make out. One of them kept with me for a minute longer, and I asked him if he ran much. He said no, and then something about the Presidential Fitness Test.

When I got back to being within a block or so of the start, I realized that my knee wasn't bothering me at all. Considering for a moment that I might be jeapodizing my next run, I went down a side street that paralleled the train tracks and estimated a mile add-on to get closer to six (this is represented by the other blue line, paralleling the first one. Gratefully, I completed the run without knee pain. I stretched in the shade of a nice tree, on a nice lawn.


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