First Marathon and other Insane things

Friday, June 09, 2006

Where's my Aloha?

Today's run: Medium-Long Run of 12 miles at 8:14 pace

No bye, no Aloha.... Or so sang Kim Deal.

Usually, the gap between two runs of twelve miles is greater than two days. As it was, the gap in time was small, but in space, experiences and atmosphere, it was enormous.

After Wednesday's too hot to run-run (it's not the heat, it's the humidity), we spent a beach day in Napili, drove around the Western route of Maui, had a delightful dinner, woke early the next morning for a kayaking and snorkling expedition, packed, went for lunch, almost drooped from the midday heat on the way to the airport, flew home, settled in and tried to get to sleep.

Today, taking a familiar route through the park on JFK Drive, I experienced contrasts:
  • the air was cool, and once into the park, foggy, as opposed to damp warmth
  • I saw Bison (not Sea Turtles)
  • my heart rate stayed low, and my pace was quick
  • the ocean, while the same body of water I was snorkling in yesterday, appeared grey, not turquoise or blue
  • I put on an extra layer to keep warm after I finished, rather than plunging my head into a cold shower to cool down
That said, it is good to be back to normal running, and good to know that all that stands between me and achieving my peak-week is Saturday's Recovery run and Sunday's 20 miler. He he.


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