First Marathon and other Insane things

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Aloha from Maui!

Today's run: Recovery run of 5 miles at 8:57 pace

With ocean waves lapping at the rocks just in front of the deck upon which I sit, icing my knees and watching the sun slowly dip towards the ocean, still, I write for you, faithful reader...

Today's run could have been better termed an Adaptation run, as the heat (though not torturous) did a number on me. First, the beep beep beep of my heart rate monitor was incessant, as I forgot to adjust my settings upwards to take the heat/humidty into account. I spent all of ten minutes "in range". Second, since the sun was behind clouds and it was cooling off, I didn't wear my hat, which resulted in sweat rolling down my face and into my eyes. By the middle of the run, one eye was always shut, and towards the end, I was speeding up just to end the torture!

However, my turnaround point did have the rewarding vista of an open view of Lanai in the distance, and what must be the island of Kahoolawe, pretty close off the coast here.

I should also mention that when my wife and I stopped after lunch at the Natural Foods grocery in Kihei, we saw Mike Meyers (yes, the Austin Powers one), buying lots of water and some blueberries, sending off vibes that he preferred to be left unacknowledged.

Lastly, posts while I'm here will be blandly formatted (as this one is), and I won't see comments unless I stop at a cyber-cafe. But keep reading! I'll post a couple of pictures when I come back...

Update 6/10: adding formatting and a picture from not long after I sent the original post, on the deck.


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