First Marathon and other Insane things

Sunday, July 02, 2006

"Looking good, Billy Ray!"

Today's run: Recovery run of 5 miles at 9:10 pace
47 miles this week. Marathon is 4 weeks from today!

"Feeling good, Louis!"

(Because of the re-arrangement of my schedule to fit in Tuesday's 10K, this week winds up a few miles short of 50. Now, back to your regularly scheduled blog entry).

Today felt pretty good (Louis). Adding another mile to the same basic Mission Loop route from Friday, one could think that I might, day after a solid 17-miler, revert back to a painful, energy-less recovery run. Not so. At about the four mile mark, my legs felt a bit tired, but otherwise, limited pains as I had described on Friday.

So, a few observations from my Mission route:
  • El Tonayense has some competition! With only a couple of cars parked between them on Harrison street today, one could imagine a Burrito-War, as I saw a similar roach-coach for San Buena. Believe it or don't, there's a website called Burritophile, and it gives the editorial edge to the newcomer, 7-5.
  • I pass by the Mission Village Market each time, and always wondered about why it appears vacant. Now I know: it's a farmer's/flea market, and not active at the times I usually run by.
  • Several times I have noticed a banner for Heartical Roots, a reggae club, on the side of El Rincon. Hm. Maybe I can finally quench my thirst for reggae in Spanish!
• • •

The SF Marathon site has published the start time (finally) of the race, and now I can actually predict when I will be at any given location on the route. Readers who are interested in cheering me on, email me! I'll reply with a customized location and time to be there so you can be sure to see me run by. Example: I should be at Guerrero and 15th Street at around 8:15 am. Come and yell "Go, Brent, Go!"


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