First Marathon and other Insane things

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Same old, same old

Today's run: Recovery run of 4 miles at 9:36 pace

Nothing particularly special about today's Mission Loop plus out-and-back add-on for the measly four miles suggested by the schedule.

  • My cold is in check: not as many symptoms today after a long, long sleep-in morning and some medication.
  • My left leg feels okay: no symptoms (at all) during today's run, even though I felt the left knee flash a bit yesterday and the left hip complain a touch.
  • The toughest part about this run was keeping the heart rate low: it was a warm afternoon in the Mission, and I was going pretty slow to begin with.
So there you have it. I'll have a more descriptive post tomorrow as about four of us head out to run 22 miles of the San Francisco Marathon course in order to see all of it ahead of the race. We're going to start at around mile 19 and run the last part first, then continue around, skip the Bridge, and finish close to where we started. (The last part of the course is the part Chris and I did not see when we did the first 20, four weeks ago).


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