First Marathon and other Insane things

Friday, July 07, 2006

...and other Insane things

I was talking to Josh yesterday. He has a way of asking bold questions that makes me consider things, and he pressed me on just why I was doing this.

There's something about committing to a path, and once committing, just suppressing the reasons you committed to that path and moving forward. There are probably a thousand studies on some phenomenon, akin to Groupthink, or a term for this that I'm forgetting.

But basically, I find myself a bit at odds with the fact that I couldn't adequately explain why I felt the need not just to finish, but to train this hard and finish within a certain time. I knew, somewhere in the back of my mind, that I had written a post about this very topic, but I failed to summon it during my conversation with Josh. And still, the because I can answer I came to back then wouldn't answer why this and not something else?

But I digress. This post is about other insane things. Here's one.


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