First Marathon and other Insane things

Tuesday, June 27, 2006


Today's run: 6 miles of Warm Up at 8:45 pace and VO2 Max workout of 4 x 1200 m

I was dreading running today because my left leg has not felt right since Sunday. I even didn't play in my softball game last night in hopes that the day off (truly a day off) would help. Even still, through Ibuprofen and ice, I felt iffy on my leg.

I am varying the schedule a bit in the next two weeks (under guidance from Thomas and Mike) to be able to fit a 10k into my schedule (a real race this time) on the Fourth of July (a Tuesday, not the Saturday that the schedule calls for). So today was a visit to the track and a heavier than usual workout there.

Fortunately, K-Star and natural speedster Ari decided he wanted to join me. We did a couple of laps, stretched, ran the MLK park route to bring the warm-up miles to 6. We kept the pace nice and slow. By the end of the warm up miles, my leg felt okay, though it started to tighten a bit while walking back to the track.

Then, the 1200 meter runs at 5K pace. Here, the target was 4:48 for the three laps (96 seconds per lap). Mike's analogy to the Price is Right was in my mind, and I relayed it to Ari as our goal to run as close to 4:48 as possible without going over. We achieved it without too much strain!
  • 4:44
  • 4:45
  • 4:42
  • 4:44
At various moments during the laps, my left knee flashed with some pain. Outer knee, not the same place as the irritated Plica. Might this be the fabled IT band? I'm running with Galen tomorrow and I plan to ask him all about it, as he's suffered that one before.

It was great to have Ari along. Having another person to help manage the pace of the laps was terrific, and Ari is a great runner. We had some interesting conversations on the warm up too. Thanks, Ari!

Highest heart rate I saw was 183. I think I'd need to do about twice as many to get into the 94% to 98% range that is considered VO2 Max...

• • •

Puppetron Update:
Recalling a post back on May 26, the day after I had seen Beck play the Fillmore:

I searched and found, finally, some pictures of the phenomenon I was so amazed by, Beck in the foreground, puppets in the background, and PuppetBeck on the screen behind him. There's a whole mess of pictures on Flikr from later stages of the tour, and this one (below) pretty well captures the idea I found most insane.


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