First Marathon and other Insane things

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Blogging on Empty

Today's run: 11 mile Medium-Long Run at 8:38 pace

I have to admit something: I'm getting blog-fatigue. I do hope my reports aren't less entertaining, but I looked at some of my posts from previous weeks and feel like I don't have the energy to link to as many interesting, related things, or to pour out every observation I have on every run.

One reason for this may be the general lack of energy I feel. This is the fourth consecutive week where I will be putting in 50 miles or more, and I tend to feel a bit tired around the edges. I should be heading to bed right now, but I'm blogging instead, and then I will ice my knees (and hip), and then to bed.

That all said, a good run today.

For the third running-day in a row, I had company. Galen works downtown, so I try to synch up with him for my mid-week Medium-Long runs. Simply put, it is just great to have such fine company. The run seemed to fly by as we had non-stop conversation, running along the Embarcadero, through Fisherman's Warf, Fort Mason, Marina Green ("wow, look at the form on that gal"), Crissy Field, all the way to the pictured point (and back).

As before, I noticed less and we talked more. The best thing about talking while running is that it keeps the pace moderate, and the breathing regular. This pace feels very satisfying, given the state of my left leg and knee, and how I want to take it easy on these runs.

Speaking of which: miraculously, after yesterday's running, I felt much less walking-around pain today, and I had much less initial pain in my hip and upper left leg area. I did, however, have on and off flashes of knee pain that Galen says is consistent with early IT band problems, but that I shouldn't worry about it yet.

Tomorrow is off, Friday is Recovery, and Saturday is a Long Run. Nothing super-challenging this week, but I will run a 10K on the Fourth. Time to get nervous about that? Not yet.


  • I feel like I have no business telling this to an accomplished process engineer, but... it's perfectly reasonable to ice your knee and blog at the same time and thus reduce your time-to-bed (T2B) cycle time.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:12 PM  

  • I just find I can't elevate my knees and blog at the same time, since I don't blog from a laptop...

    By Blogger Brent, at 4:26 PM  

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