First Marathon and other Insane things

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Some days are like this

Wednesday's run: 11 mile Medium-Long Run at 8:45 pace

Generally, my run last evening felt bad. Not horrible, but bad.

I took the Embarcadero route that I've done many times before, and it was striking how different it felt from Sunday's run. Sunday, it was the start of a very long run, it was morning, and Chris was along. That day felt brisk and easy. Last evening felt laborious. The whole way, I felt like I would rather be in bed, on a sofa -- anything but running.

I did see a few cool things:
  • The Black Rock Arts Foundation is installing a sculpture, shown above, on the Embarcadero. Though the site says June 16, the figures are there now, and they are big.
  • The view of the Golden Gate Bridge, under the clouds, was clear and beautiful, especially the hillside just inside the gate.
  • A whole lot of sailboats (perhaps a race) coming back from the bridge.
  • My softball teammate, Julie, who was in the City for a convention yesterday.
My heart rate averaged 145, a beat lower than the day before's warm up run. Part of me thinks I am still in defecit from Sunday's 20 miler. Part of me thinks that I'm just not getting enough sleep, or eating enough, for this many miles.

I'm hoping that with today's day off, and tomorrow's mild 4 miles, I'll be feeling fresh on Saturday.


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