First Marathon and other Insane things

Friday, June 23, 2006

Music: Response

Today's run: 12 mile Medium-Long Run at 8:27 pace

This evening I had the chance to do my long(er) mid-week run in the park. I followed a typical K-Star Saturday morning route, though by myself.

I had been talking to Thomas earlier in the day, who mentioned something about running with music. I had given up on running with music for three reasons:
  • Often, I'm running with other people
  • Often, I'm running on streets where I need to be aware of my surroundings (cars, mostly)
  • Often, I'm listening for the beep beep beep of my heart rate monitor to warn me I'm working too hard
Today, however, I realized that:
  • I'd be running alone
  • I'd be on trails and paths where cars aren't an issue
  • I'd be unlikely to overstep the heart rate range on this run
So I brought along my wife's iPod Shuffle and plugged in.

Nice thing about the Shuffle is how small and light it is. I was able to secure it on the front, inside key-pocket of my shorts, and I didn't feel it move or bounce the entire run. Fantastic.

With the music, the run's first half was mostly a blur (once I got into the park and the wicked winds in Cole Valley dissipated. I felt like my pace quickened when Moby's Bodyrock came on (this sort of surprised me, since I'm not that into that song).

Running down the Great Highway wasn't as scenic as earlier in the week, since the fog was in. Out and back on the path, I noticed signs that indicated the route would be closed from "early June" for 6-8 weeks for construction, though little sign that work had begun. Mental note to consider alternative routes!

Coming back up along JFK, my legs started to complain a bit. Largely this was the first up-hill of the run, and it was my quads that itched, but 8 miles in feels like an early time for the legs to complain.

Fortunately, the music kept me going (perhaps even a touch fast) on the way back up, especially along the three hills on Middle Drive/Overlook. Of note:
A really nice stretch was coming up Middle Drive and Overlook. The park is so bucolic once you get off the main drag of JFK or MLK, and with a mild fog, late on a weekday, there was little to no activity except me on the road, running with my music. Very nice.

The finish included a reprise of the winds in Cole Valley, the legs to get up the last hill in strides, and a mild surprise at the quickness of the pace. Lately, though, I get into a bit of a can't-be-satisfied area with my pace thing. 8:30 seems too fast for a just-get-the-miles-in run, but 8:45 or slower feels a little too slow and makes me think I didn't have a good run. 8:30 is also only 30 seconds slower than my goal pace, and the ease with which I run at that pace suggests that 8:00 might be too conservative of a goal.


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