First Marathon and other Insane things

Saturday, July 29, 2006

I'm ready

Tomorrow's insanity: the San Francisco Marathon

I'm ready.

Since I began this insanity on March 28, I have:
  • dealt with injury
  • iced my knees hundreds of times
  • figured out which shorts to wear
  • shopped for and selected a singlet to wear
  • learned about Body Glide
  • wrote 95 blog posts
  • received over 40 comments
  • asked a million questions
  • run with 23 other runners
  • received extensive advice
  • read the book twice
  • run the course:
    • Embarcadero 17 times
    • Fort Mason Hill 12 times
    • Marina Green 11 times
    • Crissy Field 10 times
    • Golden Gate Bridge 2 times
    • Lincoln Hill 2 times
    • Route to the park 2 times
    • JFK Drive countless times
    • MLK Drive countless times
    • Middle Drive countless times
    • Transverse Drive countless times
    • Stow Lake Loop 3 times
    • Haight - Mission - Potrero - Dogpatch - Ballpark 2 times
  • registered for the race
  • worked out a goal
  • created a pace chart
  • created a pacing band
  • broke in a new pair of shoes, putting 80 miles on them
  • woke up before 6 am just about every day for three weeks
  • drank lots and lots of water this week
  • worked out a disposable water bottle and handle for the first part of the race
  • carbo loaded
  • slept in today
  • spent much of the day on the couch
  • went to the Race Expo with my brother (who is running too!)
  • picked up my bib
  • picked up my timing chip
  • pinned my bib to my singlet
  • attached the timing chip to my shoe
  • set aside everything I need for the race
All that, and probably more. Much obsessiveness, much effort, and much preparation. I don't recall preparing this much for anything, really, so this is all I have to say:

I'm ready.


  • I'm ready too in the sense that I'm packed up, carbo loaded and hydrated. Not so sure about the race itself though -- I wish my legs felt springier!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:51 PM  

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